Applications are NOW OPEN! Please see below for the three different AWC Scholarship types.
All applications are due by April 30, 2025.
Apprentice Scholarship
Females who are currently working as a registered apprentice in 2025 or will be starting as an apprentice in 2025 with letter from the union.
Applicants must be a current Minnesota resident.
Academic Trades Diploma Scholarship
Female students who are pursuing a construction trades education through a 2-year associate program or a 1-year certificate program at an accredited community or technical college during the 2025-2026 school year.
Applicants must be a resident of Minnesota or attending postsecondary education physically in Minnesota.
Academic Bachelor's Degree Scholarship
Female students who are pursuing a construction-related field of study at an accredited college or university during the 2025-2026 school year.
Applicants must be a resident of Minnesota or attending postsecondary education physically in Minnesota.
About AWC Scholarships
At the Association of Women Contractors, we believe that our future women business owners often begin their careers as project managers, engineers, tradeswomen and more. With the mission to drive equity in the construction industry, each year we offer financial support in the form of scholarships to women apprentices and students who are pursuing careers in the Minnesota construction industry.
Through these scholarships, we aim to assist recipients in affording their education, connecting with members and developing a strong support system. AWC provides three types of scholarships for outstanding women:
- Apprentice
- Academic – Trades Diploma
- Academic – Bachelor’s Degree
Details on scholarship criteria can be found below, and eligible applicants can click above to apply online. Please review all qualifications before submitting your application.

Scholarship Details
Application Procedure
Applications must be received online by April 30, 2025.
All eligible applications are reviewed by a scholarship committee.

Notification of Applicants
All applicants will be notified by May 20, 2025 of their application status. Not all applicants will be selected as recipients.
The award is not renewable; however, you may reapply to the program as long as you continue to meet the eligibility criteria.
Location Qualifications
The applicant MUST be a Minnesota resident or attending postsecondary school in Minnesota.
If you do not meet the location qualifications, your application will NOT be considered.

FUNdraiser Golf Event
All recipients are encouraged to attend the award ceremony and assist during our golf fundraising event.
This year’s event will be held on Friday, June 20, 2025 at Majestic Oaks Golf Course in Blaine, MN.

Selection Process & Awards
The authorized distribution for new awards is determined annually based on the amount of funds raised.
Recipients will be selected based on a number of factors: work experience, activities, goals, GPA, and financial need.
Application Recommendations
All eligible applications are reviewed by a scholarship committee. They only know what information you give them.
We recommend that you answer each question on the application as thoroughly as you can!

Program Revisions
The Association of Women Contractors reserves the right to review the conditions and the procedures of this scholarship program and to make changes at any time, including termination of the program.

Feel free to contact our Executive Director, Barb Lau, with inquiries and questions at or call 651-489-2221

Award Payment: Apprentice
The Apprenticeship Scholarship recipients will receive 50% of their scholarship at our Scholarship Golf FUNdraiser Event on June 20, 2025 or via mail. The remaining 50% will be sent to the recipient by December 31, 2025, provided the recipient remains in the apprentice program.

Award Payment: Academic
The Academic Scholarship check will be payable to the recipient’s school in one installment prior to August 20, 2025. Recipients are required to notify AWC of any changes in address, school enrollment, or other relevant information.
All applications due April 30, 2025.
What Scholarship Recipients Say
2024 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients
Avery Mulholland
Civil Engineering | University of St. Thomas
Aviana Kraus
Architecture | Minneapolis Community and Technical College
Ellie Becker
Construction Management | UW Stout
Grace Sykes
Construction Management | Dunwoody
Hallie Sweeter
Architecture | University of Minnesota
2024 Apprentice Recipients
Breanna Peterson
Electrician | Local 110
Brittany Lindemoen
Electrician | Local 101
Franki Carr
Carpenter | Local 322
Maria Lemus
Electrician | Local 110
Ruth Miller
Millwright | Local 548
Sarah Dickhudt
Electrician | Local 343
2024 Trades Diploma Recipients
Jaimie Maxcy
Architecture Technology | Anoka Technical College
Jamie Cox
Electrician Program| Ridgewater College
Julia Schweiss
Electrical Estimating & Design| Dunwoody
Nicole Nelson
Heating & Refrigeration Tech | Northwest Technical College
Riley Cardinal
Heavy Equipment Operation | Central Lakes Community College