What is the Construction Partnering Program?
The Association of Women Contractors (AWC) works in contract for the City of St. Paul on the program to foster the connection between Minority or Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE’s) and the majority construction firms. Participation in the Construction Partnering Program (CPP) will promote the economic development of the M/WBE’s through strengthening their capabilities and profitability. Partnerships will be developed and sustained through mentoring, networking, support groups, technical assistance, education and training.

Eligibility for Participation
M/WBE Firms must be a Minority or Woman owned business. They must be a certified business and maintain their status as an M/WBE for the duration of the partnership. Accepted Certifications include:
Central Cert Program (M/WBE)
HUD Section 3
Why Be a Part Of CPP?
How Does CPP Work?

Key Benefits to CPP Partners
Partnership Formation
Partnership Formation

Memorandum of Understanding

Current Partnerships

CPP Meetings

Quarterly Progress Meetings
The M/WBE and their partner will be expected to attend quarterly progress meetings with the CPP program administrator. The meeting will focus on progress review, planning next steps and evaluating contracting opportunities for the partnership. The program administrator will assist in the resolution of any problems or issues that may surface in the partnering relationship.
Quarterly Progress Meetings

News from around the industry
AWC’s Role & Partnership Plan