Doing Business with Ramsey County

Ramsey County is a new member and partner of AWC. The Ramsey County procurement team has developed a program to increase the participation of S/W/MBEs on their projects.

In this program, you will learn about Ramsey County’s small business contracting opportunities, the procurement process, best value contracting, and effectively utilizing the CERT database on working with Ramsey County.

Dana Noffke
Ramsey County Procurement Manager

Dana Noffke

Dana Noffke has served as Ramsey County Procurement Manager since July 2010. The role of the Procurement Manager is to effectively manage the County’s procurement function which includes planning, organizing, directing and evaluating a value focused procurement program. Procurement functions include management of resources and creation, implementation and evaluation of policies and procedures to ensure compliance with Federal Regulations, Minnesota State Statutes, County Policies and Procedures and business needs. The Procurement Manager directs vendor outreach, including promotion of the County’s Small Business Enterprise (SBE) program, commodity and service solicitations, contracting, and related employee training. The Procurement Manager must initiate, participate and provide direction to County managers and supervisors regarding productivity improvement programs, improvements in technology utilization, and cost effective use of supplies, materials, equipment, space and services. Above all, the Procurement Manager must represent and conduct procurement that supports Ramsey County’s Mission, Vision and Goals. Dana has over 20 years of experience in both public and private procurement, including strategic sourcing. Dana is passionate about public procurement and organizational management and communication.

John OPhelan

John has worked for Ramsey County for close to 25 years. The past 15 have been focused on workforce and small business equity in the construction industry. He oversees the website Construction Hiring Connection, has been involved with many nonprofits working towards careers in the construction industry, and at times, he has been contracted out to other government entities, associations, and private contractors to work closer on equity and opportunity. Some of these partners include; Met Council, Hennepin County, the City of St. Paul, Associated General Contractors, MN Building Trades, Ryan Construction, JE Dunn, and others. John’s current role with the County allows him to interact with all construction-related departments; Parks & Rec, Public Works, Property Management, Tax Forfeited Land, and Finance to provide any support possible on either specific projects or strategic planning for Ramsey County’s commitment to moving equity forward. John is a great “point of contact” for anyone who is trying to navigate/network with Ramsey County regarding the construction industry and opportunities.